EMF Detector

Emfdetector.org is the only place to get all needed and relevant information about EMF detectors. An EMF detector (or EMF meter) is a scientific instrument used for measuring electromagnetic fields (abbreviated as EMF). The EMF detector measures the magnitude and direction of a magnetic field. But what exactly is an electromagnetic field?


An electromagnetic field is a physical field produced by electrically charged objects. The Earth is surrounded by and electromagnetic field which is generated by the movement of electrons. Such fields are determined by the wavelengths of the energy generated and also the frequency of their oscillations. Long wavelengths oscillate at a very low frequency, and short wavelengths at a high frequency.


EMF meters are highly recommended among the professional ghost hunters, It will not drag you to a ghost, but it can assist you in tracking a ghost down in the event one is near you. It is thought that a ghost or paranormal entity uses the electromagnetic field and electronic devices in order to show they are around or even being to materialize. If you get a reading between 2-7 milligauss it’s a good sign of paranormal activity

You should be taking pictures when you encounter this kind of activity on your EMF detector.

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